Sunday, December 4, 2011

Looking Forward

Who am I?  It depends who you ask. I seem to have a lot of titles:
  • wife
  • daughter
  • bunny-mom
  • sister
  • friend
  • accountant
  • blogger
  • wannabe writer
  • athlete
I've been neglecting that last title for the past few months and I'm determined to change that.  I've spent some time investigating possible events for next season and I thought I'd share some of the more intriguing options I've found.

First, I really want to stay active over the long, cold, dark Wisconsin winter, so I'm thinking of doing the remaining races in the Great Lakes Running Series.  I missed the first race in the series, but I should be able to be at the rest of them.  Each of the races provides a 5k or a 10k option.

12/31/11: Run Into The New Year
-I'd likely do the 10k at this one.  I've PR'd in every race I've done this year and I know there's no way I can beat my 5k time right now, so since I've never raced a 10k it's an automatic PR!

01/29/12: Great Lakes Expo Run (10k)

02/18/12: Big Chill Run (5k or 10k)

03/17/12: Luck of the Irish Run (5k or 10k)

I also want to run a spring half marathon.  As much as I bitched and moaned about training for a marathon last winter, there were definite advantages to doing so.  It may have been freezing cold, but the indoor track was always an option on the worst days!  Contenders for my spring half include:

TBD: Mount Pleasant Half Marathon (some time in early April)
04/22/12: Oshkosh Half Marathon
05/27/11: Madison Half Marathon

I've been entertaining the idea of branching out into multi-sport events, so a few of those have made my list of 'maybes'.

Early June: South Shore Rock 'n Ride Duathlon

07/29/12: Iron Girl Triathlon - Racine

 I also want to do another mud run/obstacle course event.  Contenders there include:
01/14/12: Tundra Challenge
06/30/12: Warrior Dash Minnesota
08/18/12: Warrior Dash Wisconsin

And last, but definitely not least are the summer/fall half marathons that I don't want to miss!
08/11/12: Full Moon Half Marathon
09/23/12: Fox Cities Half Marathon

So there you have it.  There are lots of possibilities.  All I have to do is decide what I want to do and, of course, TRAIN FOR IT!

1 comment:

April said...

Okay I admit that the Tundra Challenge sounds fun...but as a "playground" not race!