Sunday, October 9, 2011

Reality Bites

After spending the last week of September in a mountain paradise, the first week of October hit me like a ton of bricks.  Going back to work after a week of rest and relaxation is never fun, and October happens to be known as Hell Month in my office.  Sounds like fun, right?  I'm pretty sure I'm going to be spending the days between now and Halloween fueled by coffee and feeling something like this:

I fell far short of my goal of running a total of 15 miles this week.  I managed 6.65.  Yeah, not good, but still better than none!  I'm hoping that the coming week will be better on the running front.  On a positive note, The Husband and I did go for a 7-ish mile bike ride this afternoon and there was a frozen yogurt pit-stop involved!

Now it's off to bed before facing next week's onslaught!

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