Monday, January 3, 2011

Starting 2011 Off Right

I didn't wanna do it, but I did it.  After sitting on my tail for the last several days (I love cashing in all my vacation at the end of the year) I made myself go for 6 (well, technically 5.83 miles this afternoon).  It was the first "long run" of my marathon training schedule and I wasn't going to start by screwing up!

Distance: 5.83 miles
Time: 59:12
Average Pace: 10:11

I ran by "The Lake" today, which is an activity I usually reserve for spring/summer/fall due to the miserably cold winds that come off the lake.  I was pleasantly surprised!  Although the wind was a little gnarly, I pretty much had the path to myself and didn't have to bob and weave around every fool in town.

Post run The Husband and I made a quick trip to Whole Paycheck Foods to pick up a late lunch (Wild Mushroom Gorgonzola pizza = Awesome) and some fresh greens for The Pets (two rabbits who have a penchant for organic produce).  After that we headed home and finished putting our home office back together. 

Now, I'm heading for bed.  I have to go back to work in the morning and I really don't want to!  Add to that the fact that I'm not a morning person by any stretch of the imagination.  Ugh!

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