I kind of ran out of time to post last week, so we'll just lump the first two weeks of this training phase into one post - okay?
Week 1 was kind of horrible. I was doing battle with some nasty mix of a cold and allergies, so sleeping through the night didn't happen and training was minimal. I did manage to get out to the lake and finally swam my first full open water mile, so that made me happy. I really needed to get that done for my peace of mind before my first olympic tri later this moth - and obviously before Steelhead. Next on the swimming agenda is to get my ass in Lake Michigan for a swim.
Week 2 was a lot better. I was finally able to sleep through the night again, so that really helped a lot. Of course Mother Nature made running a little difficult since it kept storming! Mr. R&R and I actually had to turn back on a ride on Thursday night because there was fairly deep water flowing across the bike path!
I'm really happy that the bike feels good again. For a few weeks I was having a really hard time getting any speed on the bike and I couldn't stand being in aero for more than a minute or two at a time. I was really starting to worry.
I rode a solid 40 miles with Mr. R&R today and I wasn't that far behind him for the most part! The hour long run after that ride was another story. My legs did not want to cooperate. At least I have 6 more weeks to get it together!
Week 1 Stats:
Swim: 1,785 yards (1.01 miles)
Bike: 27.49 miles
Run: 3.76 miles
Strength: none
Total Time: 3 hours, 47 minutes
Total Distance: 32.26 miles
Week 2 Stats:
Swim: 2,025 yards (1.15 miles)
Bike: 62.81 miles
Run: 5.51 miles
Strength: 1 session (30 minutes)
Total Time: 4 hours, 25 minutes
Total Distance: 62.81 miles
June Totals:
Swim: 4.39 miles
Bike: 186.73 miles
Run: 31.97 miles
Strength: 2 sessions
Total Time: 23 hours, 54 minutes
Total Distance: 223.02 miles
Cumulative Distance: 1241.18 miles - the distance from Milwaukee to Salt Lake City, Utah!
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