Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Rain Delay

"There's no such thing as bad weather, just soft people" -Bill Bowerman

I was a "soft people" this morning.  I had every intention in the world of going out for 4 miles before work this morning, but when I awoke at 5:30am to the sound of rain beating on the roof, I made the executive decision to run later in the day...provided it stopped pouring rain.  I don't mind getting wet on a run if it starts raining after I'm already out, but I really hate getting drenched the minute that I walk out the door. Well...I didn't run after work either.  It was freezing cold, misting with intermittent rain showers and the wind was blowing around 25mph.  It was a "soft people" kind of day. 

I'm hoping that the weather is better tomorrow morning, or I'll be spending the entire long weekend making up for weekday slackage!

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