Sunday, March 12, 2017

Better Choices (Tri Training Base: Week 2)

I made better choices this week, but I'm still convinced that this training cycle is going to take everything I have.  I've been bouncing back and forth between hungry enough to eat the furniture and ready to fall asleep on my feet - or at my desk.  I think I may have even nodded off while draped over my aerobars!

Since I managed not to do stupid things like drinking beer and staying out late, I actually did all the workouts on their originally scheduled date/time!

*AM: Shasta (60min)
*PM: Warm Up Run and Training Session

As usual, I was on the bike in the wee hours attempting to do 200% FTP intervals.  I was simultaneously sweating buckets and yawning!  After work I hit the gym for a quick warmup run before my trainer and I spent 30 arm-burning minutes together.  As usual, I was questioning my training plan choices and she thinks I'm doing the right thing.  At least she has confidence in it!

*Rest Day

Yoga didn't happen, but sleeping in a little did!  Missing my yoga practice sucked, but the pull of the couch won after work too.

*AM: 35min Run (w/ 8x30 second speed intervals)
*PM: 1600yd Swim (speed intervals)

I should not be trusted to count things before 8AM, especially intervals. Maybe it's time to switch watches since my multisport watch can be pre-programmed to do the thinking for me.  Intervals definitely break up the treadmill boredom, but they're rather tiring and extremely hunger-inducing.  My coworker didn't have to try too hard to convince me of the merits of Second Breakfast.  Who knew that triathletes and Hobbits have something in common!?!?

Wednesday night's swim was kind of a breakthrough for me.  My original thought for this training cycle was to alternate between base and speed interval swims on Wednesday night, but I think I'll be focusing on speed intervals from here on out.  I need to work on being faster in the water and this is the only way to get faster.  I wasn't too excited about 100 yard repeats that built and then descended in speed, but once I saw the results I was sold.  I finally achieved a sub-2:00 minute 100! I know this pace is still incredibly pedestrian for most people, it's something I've been chasing for a long time.

*Bike: Tunnabora (60min)

Tunnabora = Ton Of Bullshit.  60 minutes of cadence ladders after a long day at work was not my idea of fun.  The cadence changes are really subtle, but I think my power numbers need some tweaking because I couldn't get my gearing right. An extra ride or a substitution of another power test for a regularly scheduled ride may be in my near future.

* AM: 40min Run
* PM: 1800 yd Swim

Sometimes it's nice running really early in the morning since I'm not awake enough to think up reasons not to!  I've been trying to listen to podcasts on the treadmill in an attempt to actually learn something, but this run required a bunch of upbeat songs circa the early 2000's to motivate me.  40 minutes of somewhat even splits left me ready for a shower and another round of Second Breakfast.

On a rather disturbing/amusing note, when we were driving home from the gym the guy on the radio made me feel ancient.  Apparently Buffy The Vampire Slayer premiered 20 years ago on this day.  How is that even possible!

Mr. R&R and I had our usual 'Date Night' at the pool on Friday night.  I can now proudly say that I've swam 1200 yards continuously at a pace that is approximately 1:00/100 yards faster than I need to to meet the race cutoff time - and I did it without Garmin issues!  I came home, showered, and collapsed into a heap of sleep!

*Brick Workout: Bike 60min + 10min Run

I actually felt pretty good on the bike.  My cadence numbers were good and my legs felt fairly springy when I headed out to run in the freezing cold.  The first 5-6 minutes weren't too bad since I was really warm from the ride.  The last 4-5 minutes were an exercise in torture.  The cold, dry air made breathing far more difficult than it should have been.

After the workout, I took a nap and a shower before we met my dad and company for dinner.  My 5 year old niece was so cute.  She almost knocked me over hugging me, insisted on sitting by me at dinner, and drew me a picture.  I wish everyone was that excited to see me!

*Run: 50min

I didn't want to do this run.  Walter was acting a bit odd on Saturday night, so neither Mr. R&R nor I got much sleep.  Fortunately he seemed much better by morning and the only thing between me and a solid week of training was this run, so I piled on the layers (fleece tights, thermal base layer, jacket, hat, and gloves) and dragged myself out the door.  It was not the best run I've had lately.  I was fine on the flats and downhills, but the last 2 miles were mostly uphill and I was not feeling that at all, but it was done.

I showered and headed off to the one appointment I'd been looking forward to all week: 90 minutes of peace and happiness!

Week 2 Stats:

Swim:      3400 yards (1.93 miles)
Bike:        35.02 miles
Run:        14.85 miles
Yoga:       0 practices
Strength: 1 session (30min)

Total Time:       7 hours, 0 minutes
Total Distance: 51.8 miles

Cumulative Distance: 377.67 miles  - approximately the distance between Milwaukee and Thunder Bay, Ontario

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