Monday, February 29, 2016

Base Building: Round 2 - Week 3

It finally happened. I missed a workout - but we'll get to that in a minute.

Rest day!  As usual this was a much needed day off.  Mr. R&R and I made a mad dash across town after work to pick up Walter's medication refill from Dr. Beast's office and while we were on that side of town, we made a pit stop at Whole Foods to pick up greens for the boys.  Neither of us have been to Whole Foods in forever, so we grabbed a couple slices of pizza for dinner (I went with a slice of cheese-less veggie and a slice of vegan) and picked up hummus and baba ghanoush to go with our Tuesday and Wednesday night dinners.  When we got home, Mr. R&R got busy cleaning up Walter and Spot's cage and I hit the kitchen to make spanakorizo (this one's been on the menu a lot).  When the rice was done, I dumped it in a bowl and left it on the counter to cool a bit.  

Guess what I forgot to put in the refrigerator last night?  If you said: the bowl of spanakorizo, you're right.  I. Was. Pissed.  Fortunately, I was able to come up with a reasonable alternate dinner plan when we got home from the pool, so the hummus and baba ghanoush didn't go to waste.  

Speaking of the pool, I think I may be developing some sort of weird chlorine allergy.  About 2-3 hours after I swim, I start sneezing uncontrollably, my nose simultaneously runs and stuffs up, and I'm all around miserable.  This has happened twice now, but I'm still hoping that maybe it's just some sort of weird cold thing that's exacerbated by the pool chemicals.

I went another round with Ericcson and felt awesome. I think I'm definitely starting to get the hang of this whole 'training with virtual power' thing.

It's been something of a struggle to make myself get on the bike after a long day at work, but having a good action movie on in the background makes it a little more palatable.  In the past few weeks, we've watched all three Ironman movies, Captain America: The Winter Soldier, The Avengers, and X-Men: Days of Future Past.  This week we moved away from the Marvel universe and on to Pirates!

Some people celebrate their birthdays by throwing parties, going out, or taking a day off.  I celebrated the big 3-6 by working, going for a run on the treadmill, and making homemade margherita pizza with Mr. R&R - and polishing off half a box of Girl Scout cookies!

New gear always makes working out more fun, so when my order showed up a day early, I was a little more willing to go to the pool.  I really love both of my Speedo suits, but those things are expensive and chlorine is murder on spandex.  I ordered a $23 Sporti suit and as long as it holds up, I may never buy another Speedo.  It didn't ride up. It didn't cut into my shoulders. It was so light that I practically felt like I was skinny dipping!  I also ordered a really cheap silicone swim cap because the two I have are starting to wear out and a new pair of goggles because I'm really tired of feeling like my eye sockets are bruised after 1000 yards!  The swim cap was another huge win.  I'm never paying $11 for a swim cap again.  The jury is still out on the goggles.  They didn't leak, but they still started to hurt after a while and the excess strap kept brushing my shoulder in the water.  I'm going to try a few things before making a final decision on them.

Sometimes you just need a day to do nothing and today was that day.  I slept like crap last night courtesy of another bout of post pool sneezing and sinus issues and woke up feeling like I couldn't really breathe through my nose.  The day was spent laying on the couch with a blanket and a good book.

Eventually I managed to drag myself to the shower and put on a dress before Mr. R&R and I met friends for dinner.  Our original plan was to hit the bikes when we got home, but dessert and a second glass of bordeaux won the day.


I really did not want to adult today.  Maybe that second glass of wine wasn't such a good idea?  Mr. R&R left for his run/training appointment and I dragged my ass out the door by 8:30AM to run errands.  My stops were: Stone Creek (2 lbs coffee beans + huge cup of coffee), Fresh Market (rabbit greens, berries, spinach), Trader Joes (groceries), and Target (a couple things I can't get at TJ's and household crap). 

My To Do list was ridiculous: food prep, a frightening amount of laundry, planning for next week (which is so jam packed that I felt like I was planning the invasion of Normandy), 3 miles to run, and yesterday's missed bike ride.  Ugh.  

Mr. R&R got started on the laundry while I hit the kitchen to do food prep.  Nothing new from the kitchen this week; just yogurt messes, spanakorizo, chicken, and another batch of wonton soup since last week's was a big hit with both of us.  2 1/2 hours later I emerged from the kitchen with a full refrigerator and we continued to work our way through the apocalyptic piles of laundry.  It was quickly becoming obvious that I was going to have to choose between the bike and the run since I was running out of hours in the day.  The bike won and my Perfect Week Streak came to an end.  I wasn't happy about the streak ending, but that's life.  Sometimes workouts get missed - I just have to make sure it's the exception, not the rule.

60 minutes of Carson was followed by our traditional Oscar Night nachos, folding more laundry, and bed.

Round 2: Week 3 Totals:
Swim: 2,675 yards (1.52 miles)
Bike: 21.6 miles
Run: 3.01 miles
Strength Training: 1 session
Total Miles: 26.13 miles
Total Time: 3 hours, 49 minutes

February Totals*:
Swim: 6,800 yards (5.1 miles)
Bike: 86.24 miles
Run: 22.46 miles
Strength Training: 6 sessions
Total Miles: 113.81 miles
Total Time: 17 hours, 19 minutes
*Since I'm publishing this post on February 29th, I'm including tonight's workout in my totals even though it's not accounted for in the weekly totals - yet!

Did you watch the Oscars?  What'd you think?

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