Sunday, November 27, 2016

I Need Pre-Hab

What happens when you train almost nonstop from March through August?

A. You have get in great shape
B. You achieve monster PRs
C. You burn out and turn into a sofa spud

The answer is D: All of the Above

The Pinnacle of my 2016 Season

My return to triathlon was everything I ever could have hoped for and more, but by the time it was all over, I was exhausted.  The thought of doing anything swim/bike/run related sounded horrible.  I ran a little.  Hit the lake once (and had a fantastic swim). And couldn't even look at my bike without wanting to trade it in for something with fat tires and a squishy saddle.

Finally, when it stopped sounding awful and started sounding like what I wanted to do again, a bunch of stressful stuff started happening in my life, so rather than using sweat as a coping mechanism, I went for food/booze/tv/sleep.  Of course that lead to loss of fitness and a bit of weight gain since cheese and wine is far more comforting than water and a salad.  Some of the stuff that lead to my downward spiral is still going on and new stressful stuff is piling on, but it's time try a less self-destructive way to manage it - and I don't want to have to buy new pants!

I've already identified my 'A Race' for 2017 and in order to turn in an optimal performance, I need to get back in the pool/on the bike/running - and I have a plan.

My plan has 5 distinct phases and each phase is designed with one big goal in mind: CRUSH THE A RACE

The 5 phases are:
  • Pre-Hab (6 weeks)
  • Bike Power (8 weeks)
  • Race-Specific Base (6 weeks)
  • Race-Specific Build (6 weeks)
  • Specialty (8 weeks)

The Pre-Hab phase is designed to get me back in the rhythm of training 6 days a week, rebuild some of my lost fitness, and shed the excess baggage I'm currently carrying.
  • 2 runs per week
  • 2 trainer rides per week
  • 2 swims per week
  • 1 strength training session per week
  • Eat more 'clean' than 'dirty'
I'm probably a little insane for starting this in the weeks leading up to the biggest eating/gym-closing holidays of the year,  but if I wait for the 'perfect' time to start, I'll never do it - and my goal race is only 8 months away.

So do me a favor, if I start slacking, please give me hell in the comments!

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Catching Up

It's been over 3 months since I wrote a blog post.  Not a whole lot has been happening on the swim/bike/run front since the last time I posted.  In fact, I kind of fell apart (again) after a long season of training and racing.  I've got a plan mapped out for next season, but more on that next time.  

Instead, I thought I'd show you what I've been up to since August. It's been a mix of good and bad - but that's pretty much how life goes, right?

In August, Mr R&R and I spent a week in the Smoky Mountains for some much needed downtime.  We did some hiking, lots of reading/relaxing/sleeping late, and tried stand up paddle boarding - which was awesome! 

The not so awesome included a call from my dad that my grandfather was in the hospital - and then another one that he wasn't doing well - and finally one that he'd passed on.  

We got home just in time to celebrate Walter's 7th birthday in early September. How is he 7 already?

Enough with the camera.  Where's the birthday banana?

From there, it was on to dog-sitting for Puppy Girl - who has now hiked approximately 1/1000th of the Ice Age Trail.  For such a little pooch, she really took to the trail.

Mr. R&R and I celebrated 12 years of marriage in October with an evening of wine and French food at Le Reve.

And hiking the Pike Lake Segment of the Ice Age Trail on our actual anniversary.

Walter came down with a nasty respiratory infection in mid-October and we're about to start our 4th round of antibiotics (3rd drug) trying to knock it out. We've been spending lots of time snuggling with both of our boys and listening to music. They don't seem to mind the extra attention.

Hell Month at work was tough, like it always is, but less horrible than it has been in the past few years.  I'm glad I've got 11 more months before I have to do it again!

Up until it got cold/there were guys with guns in the woods, we hiked somewhere new almost every weekend in October/Early November. Nature is always good for the psyche.

We attended Tiny Nephew's (who isn't so tiny anymore) 3rd birthday party on the warmest November day I've every experienced.  He seemed to enjoy his party and will be joined by a baby sister in the next few weeks.
Not-So-Tiny Nephew and his Grandpa (my dad)

A few days later came Election Night.  If you know me outside of this space, you already know how I feel about the outcome.  

A few days after the election, my new toy arrived from Amazon.  I'm now eagerly waiting for the return of warm weather so I can use it!

Quality bunny time has still been at the top of my list. Spot has finally gotten over his fear of crossing the hardwood floor to get into the bathroom, which is hilarious to watch and Walter has been all about the cuddles.

I swear, Mom, I wasn't just in the bathroom!

All. The. Cuddles.

So, that's the high level overview of what's been going on in my little corner of the world.  I'm hoping to get back to posting here more often, but I'm not making too many promises!